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In an ongoing effort to deliver enhanced products and services that will
drive the use of EDI, WCEDI continues to develop and offer an array of
connectivity methods for submitters using flexible and robust hardware,
software and web-based tools and services.

Whether it be via WCEDI's developed software and hardware
tools, through an interface to a submitters existing Billing
Software, via the internet using secure email or directly
with flat files in any number of formats, or even via a fax
machine, WCEDI has addressed nearly every concern
and issue a submitter might request to ensure a seamless
transition to using our services.

Over the past 15 years, WCEDI has developed strong
relationships with Payors and Vendors, helping secure its
position as a resource and leader in the promotion of EDI
transactions on behalf of submitters.

Whether the issues are complex registration and data
validation needs, the need for stop-gap services while
migration to new platforms is undertaken, or a custom need
that has not been addressed by industry standard offerings,
WCEDI is the leading candidate to help fill your needs in a cost
effective and successful manner.



Encryption / transmission software
Free stand-alone encryption and transmission software that provides a direct link to WCEDI without complex setups, or costly internal IT resource attention. Upon installation, performs in background, constantly scanning dedicated folders for new billing, attachments and reports on WCEDI clearinghouse systems. An ideal solution for behind-the-scenes practice management software partners to offer EDI billing in a private-label fashion.


Electronic billing without technology
Electronic billing without technology! Simply fax bills and supporting documents to WCEDI where documents are imaged, processed and delivered via EDI or printed and mailed to Payors for less than a stamp. Unlimited attachment processing simplifies budgeting and saves money. Or, use iCompEDI to submit EDI billing and use CompFax to deliver supporting documentation to WCEDI for indexing and delivery to Payors. The options are endless with WCEDI.


Internet portal submission / reporting tool
Using only a web browser, connect to a robust system offering EDI billing, reporting research, reports, merchant services and much more! Electronic billing without software to install or maintain, and available from anywhere.